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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4 Movies for Valentine's Day

So with Valentine's Day coming up I figure it would give me a good excuse to let my tough exterior down & list my favorite Chick Flicks. Here are 4 of my favorite movies that are perfect for anytime near February 14th!

1) Shakespeare in Love 
One of my favorite movies, this film takes a fun twist on one of the most famous writers of all time. It uses humor, love, & social struggles of the Elizabethan era to create a semi-factual romance tale. Gweneth Paltrow is wonderful is this movie and actually won the oscar for her performance.

2) House of Flying Daggers
This movie is definitely in my top 10 of all time, plus it can be perfect for couples on Valentine's Day because it combines action and love in the most beautitul way. With a passionate love story, spectacular special effects and a visually stunning picture this movie is sure to please even the most skeptical of martial art films .

3) Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
This movie is amazing. It is smart and heartfelt. You cant help but be moved by this truly unique & original love story. Jim Carry and Kate Winslet are perfect fits for this quirky & real story of two people who think they want to forget each other.

4) Something's Gotta Give
This movie has brilliant actors in it as well as a smart and witty story. It is the perfect romantic comedy for anyone of of any age. Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton are absolutely perfect together and really give an honest performance about these characters unconventional love story. 

None of these movies your top Valentine pick? Tell us what you think and let us know what your favorites are!

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